Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center 2.0!
The Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center (RMADC) is the portal for avian information gathered as part of the
Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program. Each year, Bird Conservancy of the
Rockies and our collaborators conduct avian point count surveys across the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, and
Intermountain West using IMBCR's spatially balanced random sampling design.
Bird Conservancy uses IMBCR data to produce statistically rigorous yearly estimates of population parameters including density,
occupancy, and population trend at multiple spatial scales.
Population estimates and species count data are available to the public, researchers, land managers and
our partners. Additionally, researchers may submit a
Data Request
to obtain raw data to conduct their own analyses.
To learn more about IMBCR, visit
the IMBCR webpage
and our
IMBCR StoryMap
. For a deep dive into the IMBCR methods and data analysis, check out
Pavlacky et al. 2017
How to use this site
Are you well acquainted with IMBCR and know what data you’re after? Head over to the
Explore the Data tab (in the navigation bar at the top of the page) and use the filters to select the relevant data.
For everyone else, start with the Tutorial tab. Here you'll learn how to access the information from
this site and how to interpret the results, such as identifying robust estimates. We'll also cover:
- Data types: from a count of the number of individuals of each species to statistically-derived
estimates of density, occupancy, and population trend, we'll explain which data will answer your question
- Geographic scope: learn how your region of interest fits into IMBCR's spatial units of analysis -
the Stratum and Superstratum
How to use IMBCR data
Visit the Case Studies tab to explore use case examples demonstrating how someone might use IMBCR data in the following scenarios
- A U.S. Forest Service manager wants to include information about local bird populations for an Environmental Impact
Statement for a project in their Ranger District
- A state wildlife agency ecologist needs information about how avian Species of Greatest Conservation Need are doing
for a revision of the State Wildlife Action Plan
- A biologist with the Bureau of Land Management wants to evaluate whether avian sensistive species are
declining at a different rate within their Field Office compared to across the entire state
Recommended Citation
Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center 2.0. 2024. RMADC 2.0: a portal for avian information from the IMBCR program [web application]. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, Brighton, Colorado. Available at: